What’s your risk for osteoporosis & fractures? Take the FREE quiz! Start thinking today... Step 1 of 10 10% Are you a post-menopausal woman? Yes No Do you have a small, thin frame? Yes No Has your mother, father, or a first-degree relative been diagnosed with osteoporosis? Yes No When it comes to living the life you really want to live (right now!), what’s the single biggest challenge you're facing with regards to your bone health? Be as specific as possible....EXAMPLE: "In order to ensure I can spend time with my [son/daughter/grandchildren], I need to overcome the severe back pain I suffer from caused most likely by a [car accident/work injury] years ago, which has lead to knee issues for over a decade and prevented me from being more active." Have you broken bones with little impact, such as a trip or fall from level ground, since age 45? Yes No What, if any, natural health and wellness solutions have you tried?(Acupuncture, herbs, supplements, Reiki, coaching, etc.) Do you currently smoke tobacco? Yes No How often do you travel? At least once a month 2-5 times per year Hardly ever Do you lead a sedentary lifestyle with little exercise? Yes No Do you regularly have more > 2 alchoholic drinks a day? Yes No Thinking of your hobbies & interests, how often do you pursue by yourself vs. with someone else? 100% on my own 50% by myself-50% with a friend 100% with someone or in group Have you taken immunosuppressive medications or chemotherapy to treat cancer? Yes No What "movement" activites" do you engage in more than once a week? Walking or running Fitness Center (organized class, working with personal trainer) Recorded online classes (YouTube, yoga studios, online class) Tennis or Pickleball Dancing Other LAST STEP » Get Your Results Please enter your name and email below so we can email you the results.First Name(Required) First Email(Required) Phone (Optional)Finally, we may wish to follow up with a few people by phone (we personally call 10% of our respondents) to better understand your situation. Would you be open to speaking on the phone for a few minutes on the condition that we promise not to sell you anything? If so, would you please leave your phone number below? Thank you in advance! Δ