Posture & Body Mechanics Videos
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Is your reading material helping or hurting your spine?

How can a pillow save your spine? [Coughing]

Standing tall at the grocery store

Keeping back pain at bay at the grocery

Don't let unloading groceries cause you back pain

Trying to trim toenails with good posture

Simple-improve your balance

How to save your spine getting down and up from the floor

Shoes that Save the Back

How can you ease arthritis in the bathroom?

Pesky thumb pain? Arthritis? (Part 2 of 2)

2 simple tricks to combat thumb pain and arthritis

Save your Thumb - body Mechanics for arthritis

Spring Cleaning that doesn't break your back!

Vacuuming without breaking your back

How can you take the back pain out of cleaning?

With laundry, how the heck can you save your back

Morning roll-for your back AND frame of mind

How can drying hair help improve your posture?

How could brushing your teeth hurt your back?

2 words to save your spine: How to not round your spine when taking shoes on and off

How clothes affect your posture

Spine Saver: Daily Newspaper Pick Up

How to protect your spine when opening the refrigerator and freezer

How can you protect your back against the dishwasher?

What's one adjustment to protect your back and spine more than 1,000 times per year.

Top tip for saving your spine in the kitchen

Can your neck support a microwave oven or a twin size mattress?

Top 3 tips for better posture at your desk

How can the doorway help your posture

What are 3 quick body checks for less back pain when standing?

How to kickstart your posture Journey

How 3 words that start with "P" can change your posture

How to save your back in the stadium

Can A Simple Chin Tuck Improve your Posture?

Stand T Posture Exercise - Improves Posture

How does an 18th century English phrase apply to low back pain, quad injury, and poor posture?

Top tip to protect your back

How can you stand taller at the kitchen table

How can your trip to the bathroom improve your posture?

How can you increase your Wrist and Forearm Strength

Strengthen your Core with Planks

Deadbug will Strengthen your Core

Strengthen your Core with the Side Plank

How my favorite number -4- helps my spine + posture

One of the most common stretching mistakes

How a shower a day can keep you walking or running longer

How can liquid help you stand taller?

What's the best cue for protecting your back?

What pro athlete habit can save YOUR back?

How does your automobile torque your back?

Car Body Mechanics Part 2

How to Protect your spine while mowing your lawn

Creative Gardening

How to protect your back while planting and gardening.

How do flowers affect your spine?

IPIVOT-now Posture Patrol Candid Camera

Yardwork? How can you protect your spine?

What about scooping the poop?

2 Top Tips for Reducing your Risk of Spinal Fracture

Quick fix for better posture walking your dog

How does dirty or clean affect bone health?

What the heck do you serve for dinner that's gluten free AND easy?

Simple grocery run for Gluten free breakfast and lunch

How can you tweak the start of your day for greater calcium absorption?

How does Popeye's favorite food relate to bone health?

Your Spine and a Beach Chair

Packing Your Suitcase. How to Save Your Spine

How to Store Personal Items Under the Plane's Seat

Save Your Spine when Packing the Car

Travel: Back vs Baggage Claim

Posture Patrol at Baggage Claim?

Why Laugh? This Yoga vs Osteoporosis Holiday Jingle will Make you Smile

How can you leverage a marathon mindset?

Could gratefulness be contagious?

Bone Mineral Test...DEXA scan...Easy as 1 2 3