Our COVID-19 Response
So how are you?
These have been crazy times for all of us, and being in the wellness space, your safety and health are our highest priority. We are delighted that the remote venue locations have an abundance of open space to social distance during our Integrative Health & Wellness Retreat. In addition, the Retreat is limited to a small number of seats.
During the Scheduled Retreat Sessions and Break-Out Sessions, the Retreat Guides and Participants:
- Daily temperature checks of Retreat Guides and Participants.
- Participants self-monitor for signs and symptoms of COVID-19 by completing a Self-Questionnaire daily.
- Will wear face masks when indoors & when interacting with others.
- Disposable masks are available upon request.
- Social distancing will be practiced and maintained.
- Group activities will be contact-less.
- Use of outdoor space will be maximized (weather dependent).
- Frequent hand washing, and hand sanitizing will occur.
Restrictions may change based on local and state mandates and the evolving recommendations of the CDC and best practices. Safety decisions will hold the well being of the participants with the utmost regard.
On property:
- At times, the retreat will meet indoors, in a spacious room that is accessed via outdoor entrance, with doors that may remain open.
- Hand sanitizer stations available throughout the property
- Enhanced and frequent sanitation protocols are implemented throughout the property with EPA approved disinfectant
- Appropriate spacing protocols should be practiced throughout the property
- Appropriate social distancing protocols will be implemented throughout the property