Enjoy your 2 Free Sessions of the Bone Health Summit Encore!
Yoga as a Remedy & Prevention for Osteoporosis
Dr. Loren Fishman, MD, B.Phil.,(oxon.)
Dr. Fishman is Medical Director of Manhattan Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation in New York City, author of twelve books, and more than 100 academic articles. He is a world-recognized pioneer in the use of yoga in medical conditions. In addition, he is Associate Editor of Topics in Geriatric Rehabilitation, on the staff at Columbia University Medical School and a past president of the New York Society of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. To see the published results of Dr. Fishman’s most recently completed study investigating the effects of yoga vs. osteoporosis, click HERE
To honor the discounted price offered during the Summit. Use code ENCORE100 for $100 off Yoga v Osteoporosis course.
Yoga vs Osteo:
Genevieve Rockett, PT, RYT, NBC-HWC
Genevieve is a Physical Therapist, Falls Prevention Specialist, and Certified Yoga vs. Osteoporosis Teacher. She co-founded iPIVOT-now to empower people with the tools to take charge of their health and well-being. Genevieve loves sharing realistic tips and tricks around posture and body mechanics She is the lead instructor in the iPIVOT-now Yoga vs Osteoporosis online live course, as well as your co-host today. She energetically specializes in yoga for osteoporosis, strengthening, and balance. Power Up!
We hope you enjoyed your 2 Free Sessions of the Bone Health Summit Encore! Want to watch ALL the sessions? With lifetime access?
Posture, Balance, Prevent Falls & Stand Tall
Genevieve Rockett, PT, RYT, NBC-HWC
Know Your Options: Diagnostics & Medications
Catherine Sweeney, PA-C, CCD
Catherine is a graduate of the East Carolina University Physician Assistant Program where she earned a Master of Science in Physician Assistant Studies degree. She received her bachelor’s degree in biology from Agnes Scott College in Decatur, GA.
Catherine specializes in bone health and osteoporosis management and is the coordinator of Emerge Ortho’s Bone Health Clinic. The goal of the clinic is to help prevent fractures for patients and improve their quality of life. Using an approach that targets the body as a whole, Catherine enjoys working with patients to review their history and test results to develop a comprehensive plan to improve their bone health and maintain their independence. She also has experience in physical medicine and rehabilitation and orthopedics.
Twists & Research Q&A
Dr. Loren Fishman, MD, B.Phil.,(oxon.)
Better Living Through Chemistry
Dr. Lettie Doran, MD (Family Medicine/Hospitalist)
Lettie Doran has worked as a hospitalist since the early days of the specialty in 2002. Originally trained in Family Medicine, she has a strong interest in public health, nutrition and a goal of living better, not longer.
The Naturopathic Approach to Bone Health
Dr. Sarah Paton, ND
Dr. Sarah Paton, licensed Naturopathic Doctor specializing in homeopathic treatment of mental, emotional and neurological conditions. She is the author of the popular book “The Vitality Prescription: 100+ Simple Strategies for Better Health and Radiant Well-Being.” Dr. Sarah regularly presents on “Joy as Medicine: Leveraging the power of daily joy to boost immunity, bolster stress support and overcome challenging health conditions.” An authority on lifestyle design, homeopathic medicine, the science of happiness, and celebrating life’s simple pleasures of food and community, she is working up the courage to jump in the freezing Maine ocean on a regular basis.
Plan for Tomorrow, Today
Colleen Duewel, MPH, CMC, CDP
Colleen is the founder of LionHeart Eldercare & Consulting, an agency providing care management in Northern Virginia. Collen has worked as an Advanced Care Planner, certified aging life care professional, nursing home ombudsman, certified dementia practitioner and end of life doula. Her extensive experience in skilled nursing facilities, hospitals, mental health and hospice have prepared her to help families navigate the options and resources for aging well and thrive.
Herbs for Bone Health, Vitality & Longevity
Susan Williams, RH (AHG), RYT, NBC-HWC
Susan’s mission is to live, and help others live, a vibrant, fulfilling life at every age. Co-founding iPIVOT-now is a dream come true. Susan has a keen interest in plant based medicine that supports natural healing and wellness. Susan has a MEd and trained with with Dr. Tieraona Low Dog MD, Rosemary Gladstar, and others. She is an AHG Registered Herbalist. She studied at Duke Integrative Medicine and sat for the exam to become a National Board Certified Health and Wellness Coach. Susan is a 200RYT and studied with Dr. Loren Fishman for certification to teach Yoga v. Osteoporosis.
Train Your Brain for Bone Health
Dr. Marion McCrary, MD, FACP
Dr. Marion McCrary is a Primary Care Internal Medicine Physician, a National Board Certified Health and Wellness Coach, and Co-Founder of the ResetMD Podcast.
Calcium’s Not the Only Important Nutrient
Beth McDonnell MS,RD,LDN
Beth has been a registered dietitian for 35 years, and holds a passion for helping people develop healthy eating habits so they can feel better about themselves. She is the owner of Make Better Choices, a private practice that Beth founded 16 years ago after 8 years in hospital dietetics (pediatric and adult), 2 years of educational program development for the NC health department, and 3 years working in a clinic that catered to morbidly obese individuals. Beth has a physically active family and enjoys running with her three adult children, and also enjoys golf, yoga, and pilates.
Ayurvedic Solutions For Bone Health
Karta Purkh Singh Khalsa, A.D., D.N.-C., R.H.
Karta Purkh Singh Khalsa, A.D., D.N.-C., R.H., is an herbalist, nutritionist, yoga teacher and educator who has been making holistic health approaches palatable to the modern mind for over 50 years. He was the first person to be professionally certified in both herbalism and Ayurveda in the U.S. He is president emeritus of the American Herbalists Guild, and director emeritus of the National Ayurvedic Medical Association.
Listen on the go
Download Audio For Each Session
- Yoga as a Remedy & Prevention for Osteoporosis
- Posture, Fractures, Prevent Falls & Stand Tall
- Research Round Table
- The Naturopathic Approach to Bone Health
- Calcium’s Not the Only Important Nutrient
- Train Your Brain for Bone Health
- Herbs for Bone Health, Vitality & Longevity
- Know Your Options: Diagnostics & Medications
- Better Living Through Chemistry
- Ayurvedic Solutions For Bone Health
- Plan for tomorrow, Today
Hope you enjoyed the 2 free Encore sessions.
Want to watch all the other sessions of the Bone Health Summit?

Yoga vs. Osteoporosis
Build Bone Mineral Density so you can Be More, Do More!
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