I like options. I’m not someone who can eat or drink the same thing every day. I also believe our body appreciates getting a variety of healthy nutrients each day. For calcium, I also love adding bioavailable (easily absorbed by the body) non-dairy calcium to my daily mix.

Most herbalists agree that three of the top nutritive herbs for calcium are Nettle (Urtica dioica), Oatstraw (Avena sativa) and Horsetail (no, not the trimming from a horse’s tail, the plant Equisetum arvense.)

Of those Nettle is reported to have the most calcium and is widely considered to be one of the most nutritious and safe herbal remedies available. In addition to the high levels of bone building calcium, it also has mild anti-histamine properties which can be useful for seasonal allergies, and it is a gentle kidney cleanser. It is a gentle diuretic (can make one pee) so you might want to also drink some extra water when using Nettle regularly.

Oatstraw is another way to enjoy the fact that food IS medicine. This form is the grassy bulk of Oat and ounce for ounce it’s reported to have four times the number of vitamins and minerals over its family member oatmeal. In addition to calcium, it’s also a great source of silica and B vitamins. It has a lovely, light taste, and is a addition to Nettle if the “green” flavor diuresis of Nettle is a bit much.

Horsetail is actually an ancient week whose green growth contains 35% silica, which is extremely useful for building connective tissue and collagen as well as building and repairing healthy bones. Horsetail also contains potassium, iron, and magnesium. It, too, has diuretic properties. The only consideration with Horsetail is that it probably should not be used in excess or every day as it does have the potential to irritate the kidneys. Horsetail can also interact with medications such as diuretics, heart medications, lithium, and nicotine so it would be best to check in with your health care provider.

I typically buy the actual dried herbs, make a cup of tea by putting a tablespoon of the herb in a cup and cover with 8 ounces of near boiling water. Let steep for a few minutes. You can strain the herb out by pouring through a small fine mesh strainer, allowing the tea to drain off into a fresh cup. Or you can just let the herb settle to the bottom or the first cup and drink the liquid. Or the other option is to buy little individual tea filters and make your own ready to go tea bags.

Once you’re familiar with the individual herbs you can mix and blend to your liking! Think your creation needs a little sweetening? Feel free to add a little raw honey after the tea has cooled a bit.

Don’t want to fuss with buying individual herbs? You can purchase a quality already blended product on Mountain Rose Herbs. Their Vita-Tea blend has these 3 herbs and a few others that combine to make it a lovely option https://mountainroseherbs.com/vita-blend-tea (and no, I’m not an affiliate receiving anything, I just like to share good products.)

As always, this is not to be construed as medical advice. Please be sure to check with your medical care provider to review any specific conditions. Reference source: Body Into Balance by Maria Noel Groves.