Susan's Nosh

Groovy Granola on the Go!

Groovy Granola on the Go!

I love having a healthy snack when I go hiking, and one without a bunch of refined sugar or preservatives. I’m also not that fond of overly sweet foods, and I’m a fan of quick and easy when possible. I also love the goodness of dates as it relates to bone health. They...

Black Rice? Very Nice!

Black Rice? Very Nice!

As a huge fan of consuming calcium and protein through diet, I recently became curious about the many health benefits of black rice. What I found was fascinating as I had never tried this form of rice and now that I have, I may never go back to white or brown rice!...

Calcium Rich Sassy Sardine Salad

Calcium Rich Sassy Sardine Salad

I’ve long known that sardines are an exceptional source of calcium, bringing in 325 mg per 3 oz serving, along with 20 grams of protein, iron, vitamin B12 & D, and heart healthy omega 3, it truly is a powerhouse when working on bone health. But I struggled to find...

Awesome Albondigas Soup with Power Balls!

Awesome Albondigas Soup with Power Balls!

Here’s an easy and satisfying protein & calcium rich meal made from things you can have readily available in your cabinet and freezer! One of the staples you’ll need to prep is the “Power Ball” recipe that can be found at...

Power Balls for Better Bone Health!

Power Balls for Better Bone Health!

I love it when followers or students send in questions or comments either on the blog or to our link. I get some of my best inspirations there! Last week I had a question about whether I had recipes with meat as protein. This person had been...

The Nuts and Bolts on Natto

The Nuts and Bolts on Natto

You may have heard that natto is an outstanding food for building and maintaining bone mineral density, especially as it relates to that very important micronutrient, vitamin K2. But what exactly is natto? It is cooked soybeans that are inoculated with a special...